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Spring registration is open! Excited to hit the diamond for a GREAT year of the best baseball in Cowlitz County!

UPDATE: Season Dates will be April 2nd, 2025- May 18th, 2025 

We will not have games scheduled during spring break, April 6th through April 12th. We will resume games on April 14th. 

Tryouts Information

Please Note Changes to our tryout sessions this year


WHO needs to tryout?

  • T-Ball, NO.  Near the end of February, teams will be assigned and families notified via the Sports Engine App. 
  • Rookies, YES.
  • Minors, YES.
  • Majors, YES. But, only players new to the division. Returning players will go back t the same team from the previous season.
  • Babe Ruth, YES. All Babe Ruth players are required to tryout this year. Tryouts will be held on 1 day only, March 8th, from 2pm-3pm. 

WHAT does tryouts entail?

Players will have the opportunity to demonstrate batting and fielding skills prior to the team draft. Players should bring their helmet, bat and glove if they have equipment; the League will have equipment available in the event players have not purchased theirs yet.

WHEN are tryouts?

Saturday, March 8th

Major players 9am

Minor players 10am

Rookie Division 12pm

Babe Ruth 2pm

Sunday, March 9th

Major Players 12pm

Minor Players 1pm

Rookie Players 3pm

*Players only need to attend ONE tryout. Tryouts are "open house" format, meaning players can drop in anytime during their divisions session. Keep in mind that there is always a rush and wait times are longer if you arrive right at the beginning of a session. 

WHERE are tryouts?

Tryouts are held at the baseball fields within the North County Recreation Complex in Castle Rock. Please check in at the entry of the ballpark, then the tryout will correspond to the division's designated field.

2024 Season Changes

  • For those playing Club Baseball or on multiple teams (ex. Premier,  NW Futures, etc.) : Rookies, Minors, Majors and Babe Ruth players registered with a "Club" baseball organization or additional team during the CRTL Baseball Season:
    • Are not eligible to pitch without Club coach providing weekly pitch counts to the League Division Rep.
    • Are not eligible for CRTL Allstars
  • Babe Ruth has adjusted age group divisions. The 13-15 division has become the 13-16 division.


Join us for some exciting All-star baseball!

8U May 31st-June 1st

10U and 12U June 27th-June 29th

Sign up will be on Tourney Machine 


CRTL Baseball